Green perspectives on Stockwood and Bristol. Mostly.

Sunday 13 June 2010

Those Recycling Questions Answered.

Gary Hopkins has given written reassurances that the 'waste' we put out for recycling really does get recycled. Though I have to say that he was pretty ungracious about telling me!

His full answers to the questions I submitted from the 10th June Cabinet meeting are here

Recycling Assurances

I hope that puts Gea's fears out of the way - for Bristol, at least.

I have no wish to reduce confidence in recycling, I want it to improve as a percentage of waste (but ideally decrease in absolute terms). Gary's kneejerk confrontational style led him to make some false claims in his preamble, but fortunately, that shouldn't prejudice confidence in the rest of the answers, as they will have been written by officers, not by Gary. The style's a giveaway!


Anonymous said...

Maybe he was a bit disgruntled about not being able to find somewhere to park before the meeting....? ;-)

Pete Goodwin said...

I'd been away, and couldn't quite understand that comment - till I found this story in the June 11 EP!

Not very clever, Gary.