Green perspectives on Stockwood and Bristol. Mostly.

Thursday 4 February 2010

Genesis of a Bendy Busroute

The decision was predictable enough... the South Bristol Bypass got the ok from the West of England Transport Executives this morning. Now it's down to the cabinets of North Somerset and Bristol to confirm they want to go ahead - followed by what (one hopes) will be close scrutiny of the whole thing by the Department of Transport.

Equally unsurpising (except in the fact that it was - in confidence - admitted by a key player) is that the Bus Rapid Transit route was added to the road scheme simply because a road by itself wouldn't stand a chance of funding. It always looked like the obvious explanation for such an unviable route - but here it was, straight from the horse's mouth.

Look out for the next bit of rebranding for BRT; Bus Rapid Transit will be deleted from the record, to be replaced by Bristol Rapid Transit. I expect we'll all still call it a bendybus.

And, while on about phrasing, how about Jon Rogers' new call, made at the same meeting, to 'bring balance to the city'? It appears to mean making South Bristol look like the North Fringe, but that doesn't sound quite the same.

More about the meeting, and what follows, on the Green Party pages.

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