Looks like the Stockwood Open Space has won some friends. There were plenty of Stockwood people went to the 'Parks Stakeholders' meeting last night to discuss how the Open Space might be better cared for and used.
It's clear that lots of people do care about the Open Space and some take an active part in looking after it. But now there's to be a meeting (provisionally 3rd February)* to form a 'Friends of Stockwood Open Space' - or maybe even 'Open Spaces'.
The great thing about 'Friends' groups is that they can do loads of things that individuals can't. They can raise funds for improvements, provide help with maintenance and litter-picking, liaise with the managers (the Council and the Wildlife Trust), and generally keep a protective eye on the place and its wildlife. They can have a say on the city's 'Parks Forum', alongside reps of many other Bristol parks and open spaces.
If you'd like to be involved, contact me (stockwoodpete (at) googlemail.com) or Jay Jethwa for more details.
* added Thursday 29th:
Now confirmed as 7pm on 3rd February at Stockwood Free Church (Baptist), Ladman Road, Stockwood, BS14 8QH, with a follow-up meeting on 16th February at 7pm at Stockwood Free Church (Baptist).
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