Green perspectives on Stockwood and Bristol. Mostly.

Tuesday, 14 April 2015

Now Showing on Stockwood Open Space

The Open Space has - at last - got a couple of Interpretation Boards installed, one at the Whittock Road end and one at the main Stockwood Road entrance. They should encourage people to take a closer look at  what this wonderful but little known reserve has to offer.

Now's a good time to start, after the warm spell has seen the early flowers burst into life...

Cowslip - this one making a first appearance in the glade behind Whittock Square

Blackthorn (sloe) at the 'back door' entrance to the reserve, at Ilsyn Grove

detail of blackthorn blossom
Bluebells and celandine in the Ilsyngrove woodland
Primroses in the woodland edge of the orchid meadow
Snakes Head Fritillary, orchid meadow

Bullace blossom in the orchard edge

Dog Violets, Ilsyngrove woodland
Viola Alba, now carpeting the orchard floor since we cleared the brambles a few years back (thanks, DR, for keeping up the good work)

Wood Anenome at the foot of Ilsyngrove woodland
and finally something completely different - new arrivals that appeared in the cart-washing pond.  At least until the herons find them!

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